3 High-Intensity, Full-Body Workouts to Do During the Holidays

3 High-Intensity, Full-Body Workouts to Do During the Holidays

Unless you’re in the middle of training for your next event, the holidays are an excellent opportunity to devote some extra time to your busy work and social schedules while building a physical foundation for an upcoming training block. 

If you’re anything like us, your already hectic schedules get even more condensed during the holiday season. But when you’re serious about training, being busy isn’t an excuse to lose fitness altogether. 

These three full-body workouts are designed to rapidly increase your heart rate, which can help you burn more calories in a shorter time period, increase your endurance and maximal strength, improve your VO₂ max, and more. As the holidays come to an end and you begin ramping up your training for race season, these full-body workouts will keep you ready.

MORE: 2 Quick and Dirty Foundational Workouts to Do During the Holidays | 4 Quick and Controlled Core Workouts to Do During the Holidays

High-Intensity Workouts to Do During the Holidays to Maintain Fitness

1. The 3X10 with Meg Reardon

The 3X10 is a perfect workout for going hard without doing anything overly complicated. Complete the three straightforward movements as many times as you can in 10 minutes, and up to four times per week.

The Workout:

Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of the following exercises:

— Burpee x 10 reps

— Squat Jump x 10 reps

— Palm Plank Jack x 10 reps

2. Get Better or Get Beat with Poppy Livers

This one is full body, functional, and FAST. Do this workout up to three days per week on non-consecutive days. 

The Workout:

Perform the following exercises for 30 seconds, followed by 15 seconds of rest. Rest for 1 minute, then move on to the next grouping.

1A. Reverse Lunge + Overhead Press 

1B. Seated ISO Hold Overhead Press

2A. 4-Point Dumbbell Row 

2B. Sit-Up + Russian Twists 

3A. Lateral Lunge + Knee Drive 

3B. Lateral Hops 

4A. Dumbbell Single-Arm Floor Press 

4B. Dumbbell Pull Through + Push-Up 

3. Tough Get Going with Jay Markland

You might not be doing a race over the holidays, but Jay Markland will keep you in that mindset with a race-inspired workout. Do this one up to three days per week on non-consecutive days.

The Workout:

Perform each exercise for 45 seconds, followed by 15 seconds of rest. Complete 3 rounds with 60 seconds of rest between each. After the final set, move on to the next circuit after 60 seconds of rest. 

— Racked Lateral Lunge

— Push-Up to Toe Touch

— Dumbbell Russian Twist

— Lateral Bounding

— Squat Jumps

Perform the following exercises for 8, 6, 4, and 2 repetitions each:

— Devil's Press

— Alternating Side Plank Reach

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